Our team
A work of heart

Equine Partner
Meet Scotty, our beloved quarter horse with a heart of gold! Scotty's journey began in November 2020 when he found his forever home at Wind Hill Farm. He has navigated the challenges of navicular, a type of lameness, with grace and resilience. In his former role as a lesson horse, Scotty brought joy to many, but his condition limited his ability to give lessons.
Today, Scotty has found a new lease on life, delighting in connection and liberty work and showering affection on all the wonderful kiddos he interacts with. He loves treats, with a particular fondness for carrots and green apples, but what truly warms his heart are hugs, kisses, and connecting with people. Scotty is so much more than just a horse; he's a symbol of unwavering determination and unconditional love.

Heather Luby
Founder/Chief Executive Director
From an early age, my aspirations have revolved around helping others. My personal journey through the challenges of depression and anxiety exposed a critical need for support, especially for children with similar struggles. My vision is to provide a nurturing environment where everyone can heal and cultivate confidence, where every soul is welcomed into our equine-assisted "home" at the barn.
In addition to my role as a Nanny, I serve as a part-time firefighter and advanced EMT. Alongside these roles, I completed my Bachelor's degree in Human Services, focusing on child and family services, and have continued to advance my expertise in Natural Lifemanship's Trauma-Informed Equine Assisted Services. I have achieved dual certification in Natural Lifemanship. I practice connection, attachment and detachment, and communication with Scotty every day.
My collective training, education, and life experiences contribute to a dynamic and empathetic team with Scotty as our equine partner and myself as the practitioner. We are dedicated to fostering healing, growth, and transformation within our program and to carry those skill with you in all aspects of life.